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Friday, January 22, 2010

Another Friday... Another Weigh-In

I really struggle with Thursday nights.  I don't know if internally, somewhere, I feel the need to self-sabatoge, but I always have to literally have angel vs. devil arguements with myself (little men on my shoulders style) to not drink and eat like crazy on Thursday nights.  Even when I have an amazing week, I always end up ruining it, at least somewhat.

Well, last night, I finally won.  (Yes, I understand that "I" win either way, considering it's an internal arguement...)  I went out, and resisted drinking lots of my points away or eating food unnecessarily at 1am.  It was really tough.  You'd think I'd have more control over this by now, right?  Let's hope I can make this a weekly occurance.

Despite the fact that I was good last night, I only had a very small loss today.  I just have to keep reminding myself that something's better than nothing.

This week's weigh-in:  - .2 lbs
Total lost:  51.2 lbs

As far as exercise, I'm beginning a 10k training program this week!  I'm hoping to run a 10K at some point in April.  Here it is:

10K Training Schedule
1Rest1.5 m runCT or Rest1.5 m runRest2 m run25-30 min EZ
2Rest2 m runCT or Rest2 m runRest2.5 m run25-30 min EZ
3Rest2.5 mi runCT or Rest2 m runRest3 m run30-35 min EZ
4Rest2.5 m runCT or Rest2 m runRest3.5 m run35 min EZ
5Rest3 m runCT or Rest2.5 m runRest4 m run35-40 min EZ
6Rest3 m runCT2.5 m runRest4.5 m run35-40 min EZ
7Rest3.5 m runCT3 m runRest5 m run40 min EZ
8Rest3 m runCT or Rest2 m runRestRest10K Race!

That's all for now.  I'll be posting a recipe later for the delicious protein shake I made this afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. You are following the same 10k plan as I am. How is it going? I am only on week two but I am getting a little nervous. I have never ran over 3.1
