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Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm experimenting today...

I have been following the Weight Watchers weight loss program since January of 2009, and have lost over 50 lbs in the past year.  A major part of my success has been learning to cook for myself in the healthiest and best way possible.  I used to constantly eat out, eat excessive frozen/processed foods, and eat a lot of carbs and very little fruits and vegetables.  I'm learning to enjoy making low fat healthy foods, and they still taste great!

Lately,  I often find myself saying to my mom, roommate, friends, that "I'm experimenting" in the kitchen.  Sometimes I'm pulling random ingredients out of the fridge and cupboard.  Other times I've found a recipe that I'm evolving into something better, faster to make, healthier, you name it.

Through all of this, I have had many successes and failures, but I am slowly learning to cook.  I am constantly sending recipes to friends and family and recommending new things,  so recently I decided that a blog may be the best way to bring it all together in one place.  Hope you enjoy it!

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